When it comes to cleaning bathrooms, it is a task that NO one likes to undergo. Heaven forbid if you happen to have boys in your household or teen girls for that matter. It is even worse if you happen to have more than ONE bathroom in your home. Here are some easy spring cleaning tips that will have your bathroom sparkling clean in no time.

Grab a Dust Mop — Grab a dust mop or even a bristle type broom and get to work on removing the cobwebs from the walls and ceiling. If you are using a broom, cover the bristles with a clean cloth that you have managed to pin together.
A couple of fast sweeps will get the cobwebs out of the way.
Take Down Light Fixtures — Take down the light fixtures as chances are that grime, bugs, and dust, have built up inside the light fixture over the winter (yuk, right?). Rinse the light fixture with warm, soapy water and gently wash it with a little Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle Crisp Lemon Cleaner and give it a good rinse to remove soap residue. You can turn the globe upside down in the sink until later.
Remove the Window Coverings and Curtain — Remove the window coverings as well as your shower curtain and floor mats. Toss the shower curtain and the mats in the laundry while you work on cleaning the window blinds. For cleaning the window blinds, all you need to use is a feather duster to remove any dust particles. Clean the blind by rinsing it under the bathtub tap. Shake off the excess water and then hang it back up to drip dry.
Cleaning Sink, Tub, Tile and Toilet — Do not use acidic cleaners such as lemons or vinegar to clean your bathroom porcelain. The acidic content can corrode your grout. For this task, use a solution of baking soda and clear, warm water in a bucket. Get a clean piece of white cotton and wipe down the sink, wall tiles, tub, and shower doors with this baking soda/water mixture. Rinse with warm water and permit it to air dry. Use a scrub brush to clean the toilet in and around the rim of the toilet bowl. Add a new toilet puck to the water reservoir to clean the toilet between flushes. You can also use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, too! They’re perfect for tough bathroom task.
Wiping the Bathroom Floor — Use a white cotton cloth to wipe the bathroom floor. It is best that you use a commercial cleaner for this as the floor is a common area that may contain a lot of dirt and grime build up. If you should happen to see any heavy soiled areas, use a scrub brush to loosen the grime and a little Mr. Clean Bath Spray with Febreze Freshness.
Spring cleaning your bathroom does not have to be a chore (seriously it doesn’t). Use these 5 spring cleaning tips for your bathroom to get the job done right and as quickly as possible.