It’s almost time to head back-to-school — pencils, backpacks, binders, tissues, paper, and of course don’t forget about the NEW teacher! A little welcome gift to start the new year doesn’t have to be expensive, it’s all about breaking the ice, and letting them know that you’re excited and hopeful about the coming year. One of my favorite things to gift to teachers is school supplies, often children come to school missing these key items. Teachers repeatedly have to dip into their personal funds to buy extra supplies — so giving them a hand is a GREAT way to relieve some of that pressure. Since pencils are pretty much used for everything during the school day, I picked up a couple boxes and thought well wouldn’t they be cute in a pencil shaped holder. And, since I had several empty containers of Pringles lying around, I thought I could put together something cute (and affordable).
Supplies Needed:
Empty, clean Pringles can
yellow 12×12 cardstock
beige 8×10 cardstock
scrap piece pink cardstock
aluminum foil
glue gun/glue sticks
sharpie marker
2-4 boxes of pencils
Step One: Cut cardstock to Pringles can size – this was 10 ½ “ tall and 9 ½ “ wide. Fold yellow cardstock inward evenly at 2” intervals in the same direction, crease well at each fold — you want all the creases facing the same way.
Step Two: Wrap yellow around can, hot glue the length of one end to the can, wrap and secure the other end with hot glue from top to bottom. This will be your back seam, try to line each of your next cardstock pieces up with the same seam so that you have one nice line down the back.
Step Three: Cut a piece of pink cardstock 9 ¼ “ long and 2 ½ “ wide. Secure to base of can with hot glue. Cut a piece of aluminum foil 9 1/2” long and 1 ½ “ tall, fasten it with glue so that it overlaps both the yellow and pink to create the eraser portion of your pencil.
Step four: For the sharpened end of pencil wrap beige cardstock around top of pencil, glue cone from top of paper to bottom.
Step five: Trim paper so that the bottom just overlaps the lid by a ¼ “, cut a jagged edge so that it resembles a sharpened pencil.
Step six: Use a black sharpie to make the lead, and writing on your pencil- personalize it with the teachers name, school name, or mascot for a fun touch.