We’re a football family, and we LOVE the Niners! Every week we watch football, and that usually means that we put out a nice spread of snacks and treats for our own family as well as friends and family that stop by to watch with us (assuming that they’re smart enough to be rooting for the right team!) As much as I love football, I love happy friends and family more. Things like “My Favorite!” and “I love this!” are words I want to hear about the food I serve as well as our team.

There are weeks I do so much food wise that you’d think the Super Bowl was going on in my home, and to be honest, other weeks I just don’t feel like doing quite as much, so I don’t. Those are the weeks that it makes me happy to have Klondike Bars in the house. They make great snacks that require zero work from me other than bringing them out of the freezer. Sometimes, I bring out the Klondike bars even with the other food. You never know when you’ll get a craving for one – especially the new Klondike Kandyflavors. They’re so GOOD y’all! Nom!

It doesn’t matter what season it is. Everyone screams for ice cream, don’t they? There seems to be some weird thing about not eating ice cream during the fall or winter, but I think that’s kind of silly. I mean, if you lived in an igloo or something that would be different. And I can see not wanting to stand in a snowstorm eating ice cream, but there is absolutely no reason you can’t enjoy ice cream in your nice heated home in the fall and winter! Especially with all the flavors Klondike offers, why wouldn’t you want to eat them during football games, or for after school snacks, or even as a quick dessert?

Speaking of flavors, there are 12 delicious flavors of classic chocolaty coated and ice cream loaded stickless Klondike bars. Just listen to some of these flavors Cookie Dough Swirl, Caramel Pretzel, Heath, REESE’S, Mint Chocolate Chip, Krunch, OREO, Dark Chocolate, Rocky Road, Double Chocolate, and Neopolitan. Who wouldn’t want them? Even better – some of the flavors now come in 6 packs instead of just 4 packs, so if you have a few unexpected football fans show up, you’ll have enough snacks!
This family plans to eat lots of Klondike Bars during football season. I bet the Niners have them in their locker room too!